International Scientific Conference "Between the Baltic and Black Seas: History and research of military affairs"
On 1-3 June, Vilnius hosted the International Scientific Conference “Between the Baltic and Black Seas: History and research of military affairs”. The event was organised by Training and Doctrine Command of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and National Museum – Palace of the Rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
At the event, academics from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine discussed security issues in the region in military, historical, legal and economic terms.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Mariana Verkhoturova-Konovalova represented the Scientific Institute of Public Law at the conference with a presentation on “Cataloguing museum artillery collections as a factor in preserving valuables in time of war”.
Scientific seminar "Scientific work as a way to professional growth in higher education institutions"
On April 21, 2023, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities hosted a scientific seminar on “Research as a way to professional growth in higher education institutions”. During the seminar, the issue of academic integrity was raised, the problem of forming scientific schools under martial law and scientific and methodological approaches to writing theses were discussed.
Doctor of Juridical Science, Senior Researcher Kostiantyn Shkarupa represented the Scientific Institute of Public Law at the seminar with a presentation on “Problematic issues of academic responsibility of higher education institutions”.
Scientific seminar "Scientific work as a way to professional growth in higher education institutions"
On April 21, 2023, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities hosted a scientific seminar on “Research as a way to professional growth in higher education institutions”. During the seminar, the issue of academic integrity was raised, the problem of forming scientific schools under martial law and scientific and methodological approaches to writing theses were discussed.
Науково-дослідний Інститут публічного права на семінарі представив доктор юридичних наук, старший дослідник Костянтин Шкарупа, виступивши з доповіддю «Проблемні питання академічної відповідальності закладів вищої освіти».

Doctor of Juridical Science, Senior Researcher Kostiantyn Shkarupa represented the Scientific Institute of Public Law at the seminar with a presentation on “Problematic issues of academic responsibility of higher education institutions”.
The International Symposium on Space Economics, Space Law and Space Studies is held annually in May in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of Istanbul University, the Faculty of Law and the Observatory Application and Research Centre in terms of recent developments in the world.
The space industry brings together various sectors under one roof due to its high technical expertise and economic potential. The space industry will be a leading industry in defining economic, legal and scientific issues. Therefore, the symposium aims to provide an academic analysis of the space industry from economic, political and legal aspects and to promote mutual understanding between experts and government officials by increasing the effectiveness of scientific and political interaction.
The main objectives of the International Symposium on Space Economics, Space Law and Space Studies are:
Provide an environment where Turkish and foreign researchers who study and analyse developments in the world can discuss and share their work.
Raise general awareness of the importance of the industry among space studies professionals and the general public.
Promote the research on space economics, space law and space studies by encouraging scientists in this field through the publication of scientific papers.
The Scientific Institute of Public Law was represented at the Symposium by Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor Larysa Soroka.

International Scientific Conference - "50 Years of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects - Balance and Prospects"
International scientific conference – “50 Years of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects – Balance and Prospects”, organised on 9 December 2022 by the Department of International Aviation and Space Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw.

73rd International Astronautical Congress
The theme of IAC 2022 was Space for @ll, with the leitmotif being “reaching beyond the space community and bringing everyone together” to offer excellent opportunities for networking and establishing new contacts and potential partnerships

The theme of IAC 2022 was Space for @ll, with the leitmotif being “reaching beyond the space community and bringing everyone together” to offer excellent opportunities for networking and establishing new contacts and potential partnerships
Although Ukraine was not officially represented at the event, informal negotiations and communication took place throughout the Congress.
On 21 September 2022, at SCIENCE & ACADEMIC DAY, Ukraine was represented by Larysa Soroka, Head of the Postgraduate Department of the Scientific Institute of Public Law, Editor of Advanced Space Law, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, and Anna Hurova, Candidate of Juridical Science