The Scientific Institute of Public Law
June 15, 2023
The Government Commissioner for Gender Policy and the Scientific Research Institute of Public Law invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

Representatives of the Research Institute of Public Law took part in the Respect event. Support. Justice — Respect. Help. Justice, which took place on May 22, 2023 in Kyiv. The event brought together Ukrainian government officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, judicial administration, experts from the public sector and public organizations
The Scientific Institute of Public Law, founded in 2015, is a leading private scientific institution in the field of public law.
During its work, the Institute has become a powerful centre of research in the field of law, which is constantly developing and improving. The Institute’s scientific events bring together the best academic lawyers, significantly contributing to the development of legal science in Ukraine.
The Institute continues to adhere to the best traditions established by prominent Ukrainian scholars.
The purpose of the Institute is to conduct research, scientific and technical developments in the field of law to ensure the competitiveness of domestic production, sustainable development, national security of Ukraine and improve the quality of life of the population, as well as to support grant activities of legal entities.
The Institute is a centre that brings together many leading administrative law scientists who regularly participate in the Institute’s scientific activities, including the certification of applicants for higher qualifications, Candidate of Juridical Science and Doctor of Philosophy in law.
The Institute has the following units:
- The Academic Council of the Institute
- Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies
- Department of Scientific-Legal Expertise and Legislative Work
- Department of Public Law Problems
- Department of Topical Issues of Philosophy of Law, Legal Linguistics
- Department of Organisational Support for Scientific Projects and International Activities